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    "ALL YOU EVER WISHED FOR" is a fanciful tale of romance, comedy, and Italian charm. It begins in Milan with the abduction of a young American, the son of a wealthy businessman, and a ransom demand. But when the three bumbling mafia kidnappers and their hapless victim get lost in the mountains, they end up spending the night in an abandoned cottage that is under a gypsy spell. Upon awakening, each man falls instantly in love with the first soul to meet his gaze, which are, for the kidnappers: a homely spinster; a handsome woodsman; and one cute cow. The American, as luck would have it, is smitten by the sharp-tongued, raven-haired village beauty. Despite everyone's pure motives, things begin to unravel when the double-crossed mafia don and the victim's father arrive on scene to put an end to the madness. But they, too, fall victim to that gypsy love spell, and our tale comes to a fitting end with everyone getting what they wished for - or at least what they deserved.


    • HD 梦续奇缘 黄一山,朱铁和,牟薇霖
    • HD中字 菜鸟2015 柯有伦,崔允素,陈雪栋,张艾青,罗开元,徐鸣飞,程思涛,刘亚鹏
    • HD中字 不法之徒1986 汤姆·威兹,约翰·劳瑞,罗伯托·贝尼尼,尼可莱塔·布拉斯基,艾伦·巴金,Billie,Neal,罗基茨·雷德格拉尔,Vernel,Bagneris,Timothea,L.C.,Drane,Joy,N.,Houck,Jr.,Carrie,Lindsoe,Ralph,Joseph,理查德·伯斯,达沃·帕蒂让,Alan,Kleinberg,埃利奥特·基纳,普路特·泰勒·文斯
    • HD中字 走向新生活 阿伦·阿尔达,安-玛格丽特,海尔·林登,薇罗尼卡·哈麦
    • HD中字 快乐的暴力团转地球 大泽隆夫,松田翔太,铃木京香,佐藤浩市,加藤罗莎
    • HD中字 男伴 让-皮埃尔·卡塞尔,伊琳娜·德米克,凯瑟琳·德纳芙,安妮·吉拉尔多,瓦勒瑞·拉格兰,桑德拉·米洛,阿道弗·切利,马塞尔·达里奥,安德烈·吕盖,让-皮埃尔·马里埃尔,勒妮·帕瑟,罗茜·瓦尔特,莎夏·布瑞克特,雅克·迪南,克里斯蒂安·吕德,让-克洛德·布里亚利,夏尔·巴亚尔,罗伯特·布洛梅,梅莫·卡罗泰努托,菲利普·卡斯泰利,马塞尔·沙尔韦,路易丝·舍瓦利耶,于贝尔·德尚,萝丝玛丽·德克斯特,米诺·多罗,朱斯蒂诺·杜拉诺,热蕾耶·丰塔内拉,让·梅尔梅,阿伯特·米歇尔,贝尔纳·米松,雅克·普雷布瓦,雷吉娜,吉尔

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